Monday, March 30, 2009

PBS Airs Segment on the Latin Mass

Msgr. Charles Pope is the pastor of Holy Comforter-St. Cyprian, a vibrant parish community in Washington, DC. He shares blogging duties with his associates at the Archdiocese of Washington. Last week he posted an entry Praying in Latin? and included the July 2007 video which appears below.

Nicely done video, but Msgr. rightly noted the following correction to the video:

You can learn more of the Old Latin Mass in this 5 minute video filmed here in the Archdiocese of Washington at Old St. Mary’s. One correction: At the beginning of the video someone has included a text that says the old Latin Mass and the new Mass are different rites. The Pope in 2007 chose to emphasize that this is NOT the case. Rather they are two different forms of the same Roman Rite. Enjoy this video featuring yours truly.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Traditional Latin Mass at the Oratory of the Sacred Heart

In St. John's NL Mass in the Extraordinary Form takes place at the Oratory of the Sacred Heart at the Sisters of Mercy Convent, 170 Military Rd., adjacent to the Basilica of St. John the Baptist. For more information on times and the activities of the Latin Mass community in St. John's, please call (709) 753-2681 or email