Sunday, April 12, 2009

A Prodigal Daughter in Praise of Tradition

Thus says the LORD: "Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls. - Jeremiah 6:16 (RSV)

So quotes Catholic revert blogger Mary Rose, in a posting entitled In Praise of Tradition, where she explains her love for the Latin Mass.

Now that I have returned to Catholicism, I can see the value of "the ancient paths." Some Catholics have been trying to mimic some of these non-denominational approaches toward church and have been busily filling up their Mass with all types of activities. But do these activities bring peace? Or insecurity?

This is one of the reasons I love the Traditional Latin Mass. It is a Mass that has been around for quite some time. It has withstood the trends and fads and keeps to the basics. To me, it is a rich treasure trove of "ancient paths." But the "New Mass" still has those paths, too. It depends upon the leadership of the pastor and if he has the backbone to buck controlling personalities in a liturgical committee. It depends on if the people view the Mass as a time to focus on God instead of "expressing" themselves. It depends on many things, but it can be found.

I'm beginning to wonder if this is our Holy Father's intent - to return the Church to her ancient paths and bring stability. In a way, it is almost like setting broken bones. The cast at first seems too rigid, but it is there to protect the healing. Perhaps our Church, in all her brokenness, is in the midst of this healing. And after the healing, we will be able to walk with strength. That, most certainly, should be cause for rejoicing.

Read the full posting and see things from Mary Rose’s perspective…away from Mother Church for 25 years searching for answers in non-denominational “churches.”

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