Monday, January 7, 2013

Seminary Visited by the Pope Bans Traditional Latin Mass

Quite disappointing that this kind of thing is still going on anywhere in the Catholic world, in light of Summorum Pontificum, and the fact that Pope Benedict held his last event at Oscott at the end of his last visit to Britain.

Seminarians at St Mary's College, Oscott, in Birmingham recently asked the rector if they could have the Extraordinary Form celebrated there – note, they did not ask to be trained how to say it.

The answer? Essentially, get stuffed, but couched in genial and friendly language. Oscott, which trains priests from the Midlands and North of England, has decided that Summorum Pontificum – which requires that a group of the faithful have the old Mass celebrated for them if they make an appropriate request – does not apply within its walls. But seminarians are generously told that they can attend the EF elsewhere (like every other Catholic in the world).

Some of the students are pretty disgusted by this ruling: not only does it go against the letter and spirit of Benedict XVI's legislation, but the "House Notes" in which the news was broken also seem to play the trick of turning the request for the celebration of the Mass (which should be automatically granted) into one for special training in it (which is easier to turn down).

Read the full story here

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